You & Me
The show “you & me” premiered in Zurich on December 1, 2016. MUMMENSCHANZ took the epic stage show on a hit tour of Switzerland and abroad. Around 130,000 people saw the show in Switzerland alone. “you & me” attracted audiences around the globe. The show was performed in the US, on Broadway, in China, Taiwan, Italy, Spain, Egypt and Germany. “you & me” is funny, melancholy, joyous, romantic, surprising, enchanting, dramatic and exciting – all at the same time. The show depicts scenes from everyday life in an inimitable style, without words or music – touching and entertaining people all over the world.
Creativ direction: Floriana Frassetto Regie: Floriana Frassetto in collaboration with Tina Kronis and Richard Alger Light: Eric Sauge Performers: Oliver Pfulg, Sara Francesca Hermann, Christa Barrett, Kevin Blaser, David Labanca, Tess Burla, Camille Denkinger Producer: Markus Simmen Opening: 1.12.2016 in Zurich (Theater 11) Duration: 2 x 45 Minuten plus 20 Minuten intermission